Evolutionary Tools for the Awakened Astrologer
Evolutionary Tools for the Awakened Astrologer will take place during the in-person retreat of the Organization for Professional Astrology in Park City, Utah, October 16-21 2024.
If you are a professional astrologer, you know many of the clients that come to you for help have experienced great loss and violence. I want to help you level up the quality of your consultations with my simple and adaptable 4-step Trauma Healing Map.
As a trauma healing expert, I want to help you enhance your confidence and client care while protecting your own mental health.
This 3-day track will include a deep dive into:
The Astrologer’s Guide to Trauma
Working with Diverse Clients
Parallel Process: How Your Clients Mirror Patterns In Your Chart
We will have a soulful, interactive time looking at our charts, reflecting on our own journey of healing, expanding our capacity to serve clients with more emotional skill and awareness.
This will be an experiential, process-oriented training where the participants will function as a counseling group. It will require an openness to working with their own chart in front of the group, commitment to confidentiality and other safety agreements, as well as the willingness to be vulnerable and do deep work.
Fall Grief & Healing Ritual, Día de Muertos, November 2nd 2024
Join Shamanic Practitioner Magalí Morales and Community Songstress, Amanda West, for an afternoon of simple & powerful community ritual and song.
If your heart breaks for yourself, for others, or for the world, we invite you to:
express your grief
shed your emotional burdens
re-weave all of who you are: body, mind, heart and soul
re-build community
change your grief into energy for transformation and repair
Join us as we pause with the Fall Equinox at the point between the seasons to allow space for honoring and healing our grief. Through simple rituals, guided meditations, and songs we will move through the four essential elements of transformation.
Whether you are mourning personal loss or the greater heartbreaks of social and climate collapse, this afternoon ritual offers a sacred space to open, grieve and heal, and all of you is welcome here.
To register, email Eventbrite coming soon.
Resources for Your Healing Journey
Astrology and Shamanism: Complementary Spiritual Paths for the Aquarian Age: PAGE 44
A reflection on what Astrology and Shamanism have in common, and how they can help us in this age of planetary crisis, in which humans have forgotten we are part of nature. Page 44
Astrology for Parents
A fun and lighthearted guest podcast appearance where I explain how to use astrology to empower parents and help their children thrive.
Environmental activism and decolonizing ourselves
Some of my best reflections on how the age of colonization brought us to the climate crisis and put our planet´s ecosystems in peril.
Trauma Healing Through Astrology
Astrologers, helping professionals and everyone can benefit from Magali´s clear presentation of the Trauma Healing Map with case examples. If you work with trauma survivors or are one yourself, this is for you.
Astrology for Parents
A deeper dive into how astrology can help parents better understand their children and help them thrive, including several case studies and examples from my life as a mom. Page 61.
Grief Consulting for Astrologer
Astrologers and other practitioners can benefit from this article on how to support grieving clients. Also good for concerned friends and community members who give support to those who are grieving. Page 17.
Calming Your Nervous System After Trauma: Long Deep Breathing and Grounding
A 6-minute video on using breathing and grounding exercises to get your nervous system to the stress response to the relaxation response.
Calm After Stress
The full 45-min course on how to return to calm after stress or trauma with lots of tips and resources for coping and healing.
Calming Your Nervous System After Trauma: Butterfly Hug
A 4-minute video on how to use the Butterfly Hug, a powerful somatic method to defuse overwhelming feelings and traumatic memories.
A recent interview on how I came to do this work and the services I offer.